Sacred Crystals

by Holy Moses

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:38 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Strength, Power, Will, Passion

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Lead Guitar
2nd → Bass
3rd → Rythm Guitar
4th → Percussie

File Size

68 KB




Welcome to your world Stagnant energy attracts itself Accumulates a life in work Energy stagnates begins Take a while for you To get the instinct waiting to clear You rule this clutter Symptoms for eternity Die - die - meet the war machine Feel the blinding in your eyes Blinding from within Die - die - meet the vibrant energy Feel the running of your blood Running from within Die - die - meet the sacred space Feel the moving in your soul Moving from within Welcome to my world Involve yourself within my flow Experience a life to work Look into a vibrant energy Take a look through The space in even deeper levels Feel this clutter Effecting your empty life


Hi this is Metalx666xFreak. This is my second tab, my first was 'End Of Time'. PLZ rate these two tabs. I'm pretty sure about the guitars, but a few maybe-mistakes on Guitar 2. The drums and bass could be better as usually, mind my guitar-only pride ^^ I hope you fully enjoy 'Sacred Crystals' !!! Greetzz : Metalx666xFreak